
Monday, December 3, 2018


 have you ever thought how bad Meningitis is you can die from Meningitis.The sings of Meningitis is a headache rashes vomiting  all this stuff.It is so important it has been spreading around  Northland
so my tips don't share bottles and food if you think  you have meningitis call a doctor don't wait tell your parents it is a important thing  so stay safe don't share bottles or food  bye
Image result for meningitis png

Friday, November 23, 2018


 ki ora my group and i have been learning about buoyancy it was hard finding facts it was easy to work with my group keep bloging

Monday, November 19, 2018

the ghostly shadow

I awoke  from my bed and went on my morning jog  as i was making my way home. i saw a weird shadow  i ran over to it but the it just vanished so i  continued  the path home.When i got a little bit away boom i heard i looked back the same shadow this time i ran i did'int look back i got home.there was a x mark on my chest i did'int know what from then i heard it tap tap tap 
i fell asleep i had a dream my parents were taping on the window i said mum she started taping louder then i woke up TAP TAP TAP SMASH.The window broke then i fainted i woke up in a house not mine  i had enough courage to stand up and saw a door i ran and smashed in to it i ran never looked back i just ran it felt like i had been running for a year.then i saw my house i moved a week later.

Friday, November 2, 2018


today we had a assembly it was Halloween themed  we did some items like un poco loco from coco im the Frankenstein try and find me.The  easy  thing was making the day of the dead mask the hard thing was doing the dance moves

Thursday, October 25, 2018

moari maze

 walt say moari words like piki ake which ment up and other words i found this hard because my hands were sore blog you later

Thursday, October 18, 2018

My Holiday

In the holidays i went to tenpin bowling  so it went my brother 1st me second my sister 3rd and my dad 4th.So my brother had is bowling making a beeline for the pin  he threw the ball strike i said cheater
he said not even. So it was my turn i was acting like i was on a podium.I grabbed the ball and threw it
gutter well they gave us a weird row i was thinking in my head.I a second chance i got 4 pins down
my sister got a gutter i'm like ha gotte.Then guess what she threw a strike shes like neck minute
i'm like no this is dad got a strike and i was like aye.So at the end my brother won.Then
we went to play lazer maze my dads name gauntlet my name was scorpion those will come later in the
story.So were playing i'm having a great time getting points at this time i was raging running shooting    them then i heard game over repenting its self i went outside to see who one 1st gauntlet
2nd scorpion i was in heaven  second place then i was just happy i did'int boast a was happy and that was the story.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

LJ´s te reo selflie

i go to kawakawa primary school and i am in room 6 i am ten years old
i like to play rugby
i like to watch my dad play rugby

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Carpool karaoke

we had our assembly and for one item we had carpool karaoke  hope you enjoy i in the driver seat in the 5th act  hope you like  it

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Reading act

Walt write animal reports
i found it hard to find all the facts but done it in the end.I found it easy to write the habitat.

Friday, June 8, 2018

green screen

Walt take care of our community by making a green screen and talk about rubbish effecting our awa

Friday, May 11, 2018

SH sound

    today we were trying to make all the SH sounds it was hard  to find all the words but it was easy to              write   the words thought ok thats all blog you later guys

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

trying to stop using our hands

    we were learning to break numbers up to make calculations easier and faster rather then counting on      and back.It was easy to make the numbers but it was hard to stop using my hands to count

Friday, March 9, 2018

waitang treaty

We were learning about waitangi day it was hard write our own  words  it was easy to collaborate with my friend Daniel   

Friday, March 2, 2018


Today me and ford made a 3rs poster it was hard to find the ideas and it was easy to collaborate together hope you like the poster 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

i am poem

I Am Poem

I am LJ
I am  strong and lazy
78I wonder why space time isn't the same
I hear my friend fighting
I see  the clouds moving
I want  my family to be happy
I am LJ

I am LJ
I pretend to be a celebrity
I feel healed when I get hurt
I touch the soft clouds
I worry about my family
I cry when someone dies in my family
I am  LJ

I am LJ
I understand  when my mum is angry
I say  I am the best
I dream to have a good future
I try to be good at all times
I hope that my friends don't become bullies  

I am LJ

Friday, February 16, 2018

Tōku Pepeha

Ko mototu tōku maunga (mountain)
Ko tumarere  tōku awa ( river)
Ko Ngātokimatawhaorua tōku waka (canoe)
Ko tukotahi tōku marae
Ko natehine tōku hapu (sub tribe)
Ko ngapuhi  tōku iwi (tribe)

Ko   paul  tōku Pāpā (father)
Ko quincy tōku māmā (mother)
Ko tyler rawa ko  latrell tōku tuakana (older sibling of the same gender)
Ko tōku teina (younger sibling of the same gender)
Ko  tōku tuahine/tungāne ( sibling of the opposite gender)

Ko LJ tōku ingoa (name)